About Us
Farrah and Catherine began DupageMamas.com to create space for local mothers to build community together. We feature information about local events, the latest in child-friendly products, activity and book ideas for your family, a community where you can make your voice heard and "meet" other Dupage Mamas - and so much more! Whether you're looking for information or just want to relax and hear a story that makes you smile, this is the place. DupageMamas.com is a place for us to gather as we guide our kids through our community.
We welcome and encourage guest blogging! If you have a topic, a picture, a story, a review, or something you want to share with other local mothers, email us for guest blogging opportunities. The sky's the limit!
If you'd like to be added to our Dupage Mamas blogroll, link to us and email us your blog address.
Is there something you'd like to see covered here but you're not up for guest blogging? We always accept suggestions too!
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